Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The aftermath....

Let me start by filling in some blanks...I have no followers on this blog, but in case anyone reads this one day, I'd like to apologize for the time that has lapsed between postings.

The last time I wrote, I was 7 months pregnant and in horrible pain.

My daughter, Melody Soul, "Mello" was born on June 14, 2010 at 12:48am. She was born in perfect health, depite my condition, and the multitude of medications and treatments that she and I both undured during my pregnancy.

Not many people have seen me in months, but, I'm walking. Rather well, I might add.

So, I need to give credit where credit is due. Doctor Brian Salter, Neurologist in Annapolis, MD; had the patience and understanding, and the curiosity to test me above and beyond just my symptoms. He CARED. Yes, I said it. I found a doctor that CARED.

Not only did he put in the time and effort, but he has surrounded himself with the most AMAZING office staff. If you are a patient with a chronic illness, you understand how important that is. Pushing prescriptions through after your insurance has denied them, over and over, moral support, and the fact that all of them know your kids names, and what else is going on in your life.

It's been one hell of a ride, and with a lifelong illness, I will never forget him, or the girls in the office. Denise, who once told a chief hospital employee exactly where he could go if he didn't help me with my spinal headache, is a beautifully crafted mouthpiece with the biggest heart on the planet. Alicia, the woman with the golden paperwork touch. If she can't get something approved and organised, no one can. And Margie...she just makes you want a hug. And she will actually give you one when she knows you really need it!

Doctors Brian Kahan, Richard Genato, and thier staff, Dr. Rivera, Dr. McLellan, and Dr. Kaufmann...Center for Pain Management in Annapolis. Dr Kahan was the one to refer me to Dr. Salter. He took the time to know that my symptoms werent typical, and wanted to see me get better.

Dr. Kahan's office deserves more than just a thank you. Not only have they helped me deal with pain through this entire ordeal, they also helped my husband, Doug.

Every doctor on his staff has a passion for what they are doing to help people get out of pain. They don't just hand you pain meds, and tell you to suck it up...they find the root of the problem, and fix it. They change tactics when necessary, and make sure that YOU are happy with your pain level. If something needs to change, they figure out how to modify your treatment so you can be comfortable. They are truly a dying breed in this office, mixing medicine and empathy.

Again, the staff, is perfection. As thier patient, I feel comfortable knowing I am cared about, not just a file on a shelf. Jennifer, the paperwork guru, gets it all done, and never forgets to call you back when she says she is going to. (and she has the most distinct laugh I have ever heard!) Debbie, seems to do a little bit of everything there, and smiles while she does it. Every girl in that office knows us, and I feel at home every time I'm there.

Like I said, thank you doesn't quite cover my gratitude, so if you are reading this, and live in my area, and need a Neurologist, or Pain Specialist...These are the places to go.

If you are still reading this; the update.

My treatments started to work after the 4th dose. I'm not a very patient person, and hate to admit this now, but I almost gave up after my third treatment didn't seem to work.

As quickly as I lost my function in my hand and leg, I started to regain function. It was horribly painful at first, and remember, I was 8 months pregnant. (I was a little heavier than my starting weight!)

Since I had been sort of dragging my right side around, when I regained some function, the weight on the muscles and joints that hadn't been used in a while was quite a sight. If you know what a pregancy waddle looks like, try to imagine that, but while holding a 50 pound weight on one side. I looked pretty silly when I walked...

But in this enire ordeal, the only thing I didn't worry about was pride. I didn't care how stupid I looked trying to walk. I was walking...and I was never going to take advantage of that ever again!

So, my doctors, Physical Therapy and home care nurses helped me regain about 80% of my normal function.

It was amazingly hard. But like I said before, I have Doug. Doug and Patience helped me thru this, suffered with me, held my hand, and made me a better person. So, I did it.

And just as I was retiring the wheelchair, I crossed the 9 month mark of pregnancy.

We had planned to move before the baby was born, into a smaller, more finacially managable house, and then; LIFE happened again.

During the move, my husband ruptured a disc in his lower back. (For those of you that understand, his L5S1)

It had been herniated, and we were dealing with that, but something pushed it over the edge, and it ruptured into his sciatic nerve.

Just as I had begun to walk again, my husband couldn't.

We got him an MRI, and he was in emergency back surgery within 24 hours.

So, months later, my husband and I can walk together again.

More to follow...