Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One hell of a week, and it's only Wednesday...

It's 5:42am, and I woke up today. Baby is healthy, kicking like crazy, and VERY successfully giving me heartburn.

My daughter is snoring softly in her bed, in the same key and tempo as her father in the next room.

My husband, also snoring, but not so softly...(see above; 5:42 am)

All of these things make me happy. I am awake, and we are all safe, at home, and happy.

This week so far has shown me that, very simply, I have everything to live for, and have NOTHING to complain about.

I have taken a moment this morning to mourn the loss of our friends Craig, and Dan Moore.

2 friends of ours have died in the same week. Craig, lost his battle to Cancer Sunday, and Dan's heart gave up. Both were too young.

Craig left us at 36 years old. He was a beautiful person, who loved to give me all kinds of grief. He was a friend to many, and inspiration to all, and a foul mouthed, bullheaded music lover, who even in death, was able to make me laugh so hard I cried...

Dan was a friend and mentor to Doug. For all of you that know Doug, you have heard his expressive "It's just got a little wiggle in it's giggle," and "I've just got to put the zig on the zag"

Those were Danny Moore ISMS... He taught Doug, and plenty of other people, the art of a patience threshold.

He once threatened to nail Doug's cell phone to a wall if he didn't get off of it while on a job site...He would wait for Doug to fall asleep in his work truck, and slap him on the chest, pointing at a flock of ducks and yell "LOOK DOUG, CHICKENS!!!"

I felt close to him, but only through Doug's stories...I met him plenty of times, and can honestly say, he scared the hell out of me. He was a large man, with some of the biggest hands I have ever seen...but he ended up being an even bigger teddy bear than I could imagine.

So, I saw my husbands heart break twice this week, and for once, I need to be he rock.

Much easier said than done, but he has been so strong throughout this last year, and he just needs a break.

Life is too precious. We all say it, but it doesn't really mean anything unless you actually appreciate it.

Burying two friends will reconfirm your commitment to your life.

We are all survivors. It doesn't have to be Cancer, or a heart attack. You are a survivor if you woke up today, so start acting like it.

So, from one survivor to another, take a walk today, because you can.

Call that friend you have been delaying, because sometimes you don't get a second chance.

Don't say things because you can apologize later.

Just live.

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